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Showing posts from May, 2018

How Napolean became the GREATEST LEADER just with his COURAGE!!!

COURAGE ! ! ! F riends, have you ever thought of doing something new ?  If yes, you would have realized a feeling of ‘fear’. ‘FEAR’ is such a thing that is instilled in us by our society. Fear is a non-sense word created by man which keeps us away from our goal. As every problem has a solution, this problem too has one.  The tonic of fear is ‘courage’.  Courage  is something we all have an d fear is the chance to show that. Being courageous means not being fearless but being courageous is an ability to face it. We are humans and the term of fear has such an impact on us that it cannot be destroyed till we really face it. When we face it, the next time we fear we can say that ‘I have gone through it, I can make it ! ’ And this creates a confidence in us, being confident means having belief in ourselves and when we have belief in ourselves, we can face any problem. We all know that when we fix a goal, problems are sure to arise, the problems create fear in us and we run