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How Napolean became the GREATEST LEADER just with his COURAGE!!!



riends, have you ever thought of doing something new? If yes, you would have realized a feeling of ‘fear’. ‘FEAR’ is such a thing that is instilled in us by our society. Fear is a non-sense word created by man which keeps us away from our goal. As every problem has a solution, this problem too has one. The tonic of fear is ‘courage’. Courage is something we all have and fear is the chance to show that. Being courageous means not being fearless but being courageous is an ability to face it. We are humans and the term of fear has such an impact on us that it cannot be destroyed till we really face it. When we face it, the next time we fear we can say that ‘I have gone through it, I can make it!’ And this creates a confidence in us, being confident means having belief in ourselves and when we have belief in ourselves, we can face any problem. We all know that when we fix a goal, problems are sure to arise, the problems create fear in us and we run away from the fear. This is the most ridiculous activity to run back, what we must do is not to run backwards but towards fear as fast as we can. You must face the fear and when it is destroyed and you would turn back to have a look, we will find that FEAR is nothing but an illusion! An illusion that has unnecessarily been an obstacle! And at that stage it is your success. In our run for our goal, our society starts discouraging us. They make our mindset to think that what we are doing is impossible. But history remembers people who have made impossible things possible. The history of the human race is very interesting because it has full of examples of the deeds of men and women who won victories over hardships through courage and will power. This is a story of such a great leader which can tell us best about courage-
Napoleon Bonaparte

     Friends, you must have heard about Napoleon Bonaparte who is also known as Napoleon I (1769-1821). He was a French military leader and the Emperor. He was the greatest leader of his time who had conquered many places. In history, Napoleon is counted as one of the greatest Warrior. He did not know the word, ‘impossible’. This is what made him invincible. Once, Napoleon I was up to fight a war. He took his massive army and started towards the kingdom of his enemy. He was determined to invade his enemy. Days after days he led his army through the rivers and the dreary deserts and jungles, and villages after villages. Finally, they reached to the last village. The army thought of taking a halt, but Napoleon encouraged his army to take halt after passing this village. When Napoleon was talking this to his army, an old woman was passing by, she heard him. She laughed at him! To pass this village you have to pass the Alps Mountain, where everyone has to die! His army was taken aback… some of them had once heard about the Alps Mountain…. but they had no idea that it was here! But Napoleon was not at all surprised. The old woman saw this and she got disappointed… she started speaking… ‘Don’t you know, that till today those who have tried to climb the Alps Mountain have never returned, they have died, you must go back to your country… its non-sense to kill yourselves.’ Everyone got scared except Napoleon… instead he got exited… He thanked the old woman and rewarded her with his own necklace and told… ‘Thank you as you have increased my courage, if I become successful in passing the mountain I shall definitely return back to you!’…. The old woman got impressed by the determination and courage of Napoleon that she heartily blessed Napoleon and told him that he will definitely succeed. But, his army was scared…. they were not ready to accompany him; they started telling the tales they knew about the Alps Mountain. Napoleon found it nonsense. At that evening, he gathered his army…. In a loud voice he asked his army… ‘Has anyone among you seen Alps?’… The answer was ‘No.’… He then said, ‘Ok then, you men accompany me till the Alps mountain. The moment it comes I shall tell you and you return. Everyone agreed… They started their journey the next morning, after their walking; there stood a large mountain before them…. The army asked Napoleon if this was the Alps. Napoleon replied, ‘Oh, Alps is after this mountain. This is a very small mountain, Alps is very larger than this. They started climbing… 2 days were gone, they were still climbing but they were exited as they would return home after climbing it… In the 3rd day, they passed out the mountain… and they saw nothing but empty grassland…. The army asked Napoleon, ‘How far is the Alps now?’… Napoleon answered, ‘Which Alps are you talking about? The one which we have passed just now? The army got surprised…. They could not believe that so easily they climbed the mountain! There Napoleon gave an inspiring moment to them… the faith towards their leader increased and the courage and confidence on themselves increased… their spirits increased and this also resulted to the victory of their war for which they had to pass the Alps! Courage was the ultimate thing that made Napoleon from a soldier to the greatest Emperor! Stories of the greatness of Napoleons’ courage spread throughout the world! And till today his works are inspiring us!

    Friends, the people who face fear never fail... Fear in our life is like a layer on the cup of hot tea, the men who had shown courage and blew it have always enjoyed the tea….!

-Devadripta S Jadhav


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