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Has ANCIENT INDIA played any role in SCIENCE?

Has ANCIENT INDIA played any role in SCIENCE? [PART 1]

  Has ANCIENT INDIA played any role in SCIENCE?.... Well, most of the people when asked this question often answer ‘NO’. Yes, today India is one of the leading countries which has a great contribution in the advancement of Science, but what about India’s past? Don’t worry, read the following article and the next time someone asks you the same question you will have a dozens of answers-
       1.   The idea of ‘GRAVITATION’ was first introduced in India
→ Varahmihir was a great mathematician born in the 490-585 A.D. He first said that ‘In this universe, there is a hidden force (gravity) that attracts the planets and which makes the Earth to float’. This was the first step in the Science of Universe.

2. India gave the first idea of an ‘ATOM’!
Maharshi Kanad was an Indian Philosopher who gave an idea of atom in the 5th century B.C. His real name was ULUK. He first said that ‘every matter is made up of atoms and molecules’ in his theory.

    3.    India is the pioneer to use ‘TRIGONOMETRY’ and ‘ASTRONOMY’ in science!
When we think about the 5th century, we must never forget the name of Aaryabhata. He was the first to think and use the function of ‘sin’ in trigonometry. Aaryabhata also thought about the spherical shape of the Earth and its revolution around its axis itself. He also knew the exact positions of other planets through his observations. In his book ‘Aaryabhatiya’ he says in one of his pages that ‘The sun and the stars which we see moving around the Earth are actually stable and the Earth itself moves around them.’ This shows that he was far ahead than others.

     4.   India contributed to find the ‘GEOGRAPHY OF THE EARTH’!
Aaryabhata was the mathematician who calculated the circumference of the Earth to be 39,736 km. Today, the approximate circumference is assumed to be 39,843 km; getting such a near calculation was not a joke at that time. He also stated that the moon doesn’t have its own light but reflects the Sun’s light. He stated that the Earth moved in a specific orbit. At that time he exactly claimed that in a year there are 365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds. All this was written in the books of Aaryabhata which was found later in 1864 by Bhau Baji Lad. Later in 1875 Dr. Ken published these writings in Holland, and then the world came to know about it.

This is only the first part of INDIA’S CONTRIBUTION; in the next one you will come to know more ground breaking contributions of INDIA! So, stay connected with us…..

ALSO READ- Where is the SWORD of Shivaji Maharaj?


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Has ANCIENT INDIA played any role in SCIENCE? PART 2

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