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‘BOOKS’: the SUCCESS booster!

‘BOOKS’: the SUCCESS booster!

          Friends, we are like one of the average people we live among. There come our friends, if they are not hard workers, we too aren't  if they have bad habits, we too have it, if they take care of their health, we do, we do what our friends do, because we are human beings. Human beings are such creatures that learn from their surroundings. They exactly copy each other and there come the terms like tradition and culture. We copy each others’ habits and mindsets. We can see that many successful people today have copied successful people of their field of the past. People usually have influence of at least one man who has been very successful in that particular field; they copy their mindsets and the reason for their success. Oh, we can say that we do not know any close person of ours who is successful; our friends are just like us. There comes the topic of a ‘BOOK’. A book is the collection of perfect ideas, exact words and feelings, advice and experience of a person in that field. Books are used in schools and colleges, those books are not only pages, but the thing that shapes a teacher and from which the teacher with the help of books, shape the students. Books are itself teachers, written by teachers to teach the teachers for the students to teach their students. Apart from the books in schools and colleges, there are massive amount of books which can change our lives. When we read the sentences of the pages of those books, we feel that they are speaking to us. Most of the successful people have reported of their daily reading habit.
          Reading a book benefits us of choosing our own friends in our inner mind who would influence us in our life. It can lead us to who we want to be as a person. Many people have experienced life before us, they have written down their experiences in the pages of the book. Our problem surely wouldn't be a new one in this whole globe, someone has written down its solution in some page of a book; just the effort we have to take is to search them for. That’s why the libraries are there for. Even a paragraph or a sentence can change our ‘LIFE’. When we read, we get a glimpse of what is there in the mind of the author. Their words must be read by us, if we talk about politics, pick out the best book which speaks best about politics, same with different fields, there are so many books out there written by writers of different field about their field! Reading them, we can get the glimpse of their world and their way of thinking.
By reading books, we add a new group of friends in our life, who know better than us, who are wiser than us and experienced, whose talks are significant which would influence us in our field. Also when we read them, we adopt some of their way of thinking and their mindsets, because that’s what we do as humans, we copy each other and that’s when we come closer to our success as reading books boost our speed towards ‘SUCCESS’!
-Devadripta Jadhav


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