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Never Quit The Battle!

Never Quit The Battle!

   Problems are sure to be present in everyone’s life, but in such a problem sometimes we find ourselves in deep despair. We start thinking negatively. Though there is a spark in ourselves, we do not recognize it. If we turn over the pages of history, we will find that the successful people have gone through much adverse situations than us, but they had the potentiality of not being stooped. Just thinking positively is the way how you deal with it! Life gives us a chance to be successful every second, but we spend our time thinking negatively.

     This is the story of the year 1938, there was a man named Karoly in the Hungarian army; he was the best shooter in his army. Maximum numbers of National Championships held in his country were won by him. Everyone knew that this man will win the Olympics in 1940 and for wakening up such beliefs in the minds of his fans, he had practiced for years. He had fixed in his mind of making his hand the best shooting hand; he practiced it every day, hours and hours he gave his time for the practice of his hand. Just 2 years were left for the Olympics, but as he was an army man, he had to practice for his army in his army training camp separately. Once in such a camp training, he was practicing hand grenades; one of the hand grenades was defective, Carole picked it up…. And alas! That grenade exploded in his hand…. he lost his hand…forever… with which he wanted to win the Olympics. His dreams, his focus, all were finished. He cried, he got depressed; the hand for which he spent this many years… was lost! He had only two ways to do, one, to hide and cry his whole life, and the other was of gathering the spirits once more and focusing on his goal, which was ultimately impossible! He chose the second one, to focus on his goal. He did not focus on what he had lost! He had focused on what he had… and what he had… was his left hand! A hand with which he couldn't even write! He was bedridden for a month in the hospital, the doctor advised him not to do this and not to do that but, he did not pay heed to his words. He came home… and… from the next day itself he started his training. After a year of his accident in 1939, there were National Championships in his country in Hungary. He had been there… all other pistol shooters congratulated him, they said, ‘this is the man…. After all those happenings, he has come here to meet us! To grow our confidence! ’ No one knew that he was training for his left hand. He answered, ‘I have not come here to grow your confidence… I have come here…. to compete with you! Be ready! I’m back!’  The competition started, all others were competing with their best hand, and this man was competing… with his only hand! But who won? The man with the only hand! Karoly! But he didn't stop there. Now, that he was confident that he could do something…. He set up a bigger goal….. He had his goal of not only making his hand the best in his country but also in whole world. He focused fully in the 1940 s Olympics, but the 1940 Olympics were cancelled, because of the World War II. He didn't lose his spirits, he focused in the 1944 Olympics, but in vain…. the 1944 Olympics were again cancelled….. Still there was hope! He again focused himself in the Olympics in the 1948! By that time, he was 38 years old; he was ageing and the younger generation competitors become more difficult to compete with, but he didn't knew what is meant by the word, ‘difficult’ itself! The Olympics started…he gathered his confidence and he went there to compete. The players from the whole world were competing with their best hand and he… he was competing with his only hand! But who won? Karoly! He had fulfilled his dreams! But there was a problem which was this that he didn't stop even there! He again competed in the 1952 Olympics, and this time, who won? Yes…… the man with the only hand….Karoly! In a row, he won 2 gold medals in Olympics… he had created a history before anyone could with 2 gold medals in a row!
     If we ask a loser, he is lazy with his reasons ready, but similarly, if we ask a winner, he too has many reasons to avoid the thing that he wants to do, but he has only one reason to do the thing what he wants to do! We often cry for the things that we don’t have but we don’t make use of things that we have. What is the fun in being successful with everything ever ready like common people? Fun is in impossible things made possible by us. Whatever may be the problem, there is always a door open, but being distressed we ourselves close the door by losing our hope.
     ‘Remember, there is always a sunrise after the dark night, at some point definitely the day will come when sun rays will give you opportunities and enter through the open door you kept open and lighten your life. Only one thing has to be done, not to lose your hope…’
-Devadripta Jadhav.


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