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Qualities of a GOOD STUDENT

Qualities of a GOOD STUDENT
        KNOWLEDGE is like an ocean & education is like a river, where the knowledge never ends the education doesn't stop. A student is a land where trees and plants grow, he is a garden, wherever the water of knowledge or education is drained, it is absorbed. The brain is like a soil which helps absorbing and storing the water of education and knowledge. In this process, the flood is in the students' hands, whether to absorb the water or to make it turn into a flood to wash away everything. What the flood washes is our career.
         The age of gaining knowledge is not limited. It is the same for a 3 year old or a 90 year old. That means in the journey of our life, we are always a student. This is not compulsory that we must be educated to become a good student. About 45 per cent of people who are college drop outs are today counted in the millionaires list. They did not get satisfied with the knowledge gained within the four walls. They wanted beyond this. So a student is not only he who learns just in schools or completes degrees in the colleges, it is also he who himself learns from his experiences. Every human being is given the same brain during the birth, it is in his hand, how to shape it. A student is not only related to studies, but also to sports and other activities. According to me, practical knowledge is always better from knowledge in the colleges. The best example is simple, if two friends are fond of bike parts, one can learn about them in the institutes but the one who learns it in a garage will be more confident and practical, which will lead him to success.
       The failure of a student is not the teachers' fault. It is the fault of the student himself, who could not grasp the subject. A good student grasps the knowledge. He should be curious. He must have thirst of knowing it. He must practice the subject which seems difficult to him because practice makes a man perfect. He should learn from his mistakes and always avoid them to occur again. A student must have a real personality and a strong character. If a student is well-behaved, obedient and sincere, the teacher will definitely think of giving him extra knowledge.
       At last, a student must know how to come out of difficulties because ''neither money pays, nor name, nor fame, nor learning; it is 'character' that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties'', it is said by Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest students of his time. That is what personality. Swami Vivekananda says, ''The human body consists of five aspects, namely: physical, mental, moral, intellectual and spiritual. The total development of all these aspects- physically strong, mentally balanced, morally sound, intellectually sharp and spiritually advanced is what is called real personality.'' That makes a sense of being a STUDENT!
                                                                                                - Devadripta Jadhav


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