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Efforts Thy Name Is 'Success'...

Something to learn from the SPIDER!

     Friends, as sometimes we win we also have to face our defeat… this is the rule of the world, when you win someone loses. When we are winners, no one is as happy as us but when we face defeat… What do we do then? Some of us try our best and pass out the difficulty, but some of us ‘fail’ multiple times and lose our hopes. Here is such a story of a King, that might inspire you-
     We all are well known about the King Robert the Bruce. As soon as we hear his name, a great personality, a mighty king, a wise king and a king of the subjects reminds us. Robert the Bruce, also known as in history as Robert I was the one of the greatest and mightiest Kings in the history. His victory over the English Empire was a remarkable success as he won it with a lack of resources and a less number of army. All he did was inspiring his men. His devotion towards the motherland and his motivational talks boiled the blood of his soldiers. His one voice in the battle field made his whole army to rush towards the enemy like anything. The Scottish land had given birth to such knights and warriors who would become ready to give up their lives for their prosperous King. To defeat the King of England was not an easy job at that time. When the English men had put their eyes on Scotland, Robert the Bruce had declared a war. He first started his revolt in 1306 in which he got defeated but, it was in 1314 that he won the war at Bannockburn in Scotland. This is the conclusion…. But many of us do not know what made Robert the Bruce win over the King of England after 8 years. There is a very motivational story behind his success.
     Robert the Bruce was the King of Scotland hundreds of years ago. The 13th century was the time when he in which he lived, was full of danger and wild, but he was not only a brave king but also a wise one. Once, the King of England had attacked Scotland with a massive army to make it a part of England. The King of England wanted to drive the Scottish men out of their country but as he knew, he got an enemy like Bruce; it was a great challenge in front of him. It was not easy to invade him. At that time, the empire of Robert the Bruce was not in a condition of war and that was a good chance to attack for the English men. In such a situation the Scottish were alarmed of the King of England.
     However, Robert the Bruce wanted to save his subjects and he announced the war. Deadly battles started between the two empires, battles after battles, six times Robert the Bruce led his army bravely against the enemy; however six times he was defeated as he had the lack of resources. The Scottish Empire was beaten. Bruce was deadly injured. At last, the Scottish empire got fully disturbed, the army got scattered, and the King was forced to leave his empire and to eventually hide in the woods along the mountains. He had to find a shelter for himself in that forest. He started to find a cave, fortunately, he found one! He walked up to the corner of the cave. He was stressed, tired, full of injuries and exhausted. He felt sick; he laid down, the rain started suddenly. He was listening to the sound of the rainfall outside and was left in his deep thought. Suddenly… his eyes got distracted above his head; he discovered a spider there, who was trying to weave its web. He started to watch it. It was doing it with its full concentration with great care, but it was not being successful to throw its web from one point of the cave to the other. Six times it tried so and failed, its thread was falling short.

     ‘Oh!’ Robert the Bruce exclaimed, ‘You too know the pain of losing 6 times?’ But to his surprise, once more the spider started to spin its web with more concentration and greater care. It was its seventh time to try. Now, Bruce too got exited and started to watch the spider’s seventh attempt with curiosity. ‘What a determination!’ he thought. While he was thinking so, the spider got successful in its goal! ‘Yes!’ Robert the Bruce uttered, by that time the rain stopped, he started collecting his men and in no time, he gathered his army and told them his plan of the seventh battle which was to be fought!
     His strong determination inspired his men and again a mighty war was fought by the army of Robert the Bruce! This time they won! Yes! Robert the Bruce! This very spider had inspired by trying again and again a king who fought the greatest war ever in the history and later invaded many kingdoms whose rulers were brutal and kept his subjects happy. 14 years later, Bruce had secured a treaty with regard to the recognition of independence to Scotland and his right to the throne!
     This story about his wanderings in the forest has been told from generation to generation, which is told to me by my father and now, I am telling you! According to the historians, the cave where the spider inspired such a great king is located today in the Rathlin Island (present in Ireland).
      Now there is nothing to explain….. The story tells us everything…..So friends, isn't there something to learn from the SPIDER?   
-         Devadripta Jadhav. 


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