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Has China really created an

       Now-a-days, we all are hearing about the news that ‘CHINA has created an ‘ARTIFICIAL SUN’ whose temperature is 6 times more than that of our real Sun! But, what is the story behind the Artificial Sun? Is this a real news? Can this sun replace our own Sun? Or… How did China do this? We shall cover all these points today, also we shall learn about China’s Artificial Moon!

●First of all, using the word ‘Artificial Sun’ is inappropriate, because China has made nothing like the giant sun. The ‘Artificial Sun’ is not a star like our Sun. Then what is it? The following story is the crux of the matter-
  → Today, most of the power sources (sources we use to generate electricity) are very harmful or even fatal, they create a lot of pollution. For e.g. In Thermal Power Plant, we use coal as a source to generate current (electricity) by burning it, which emits a lot of pollution. Also now-a-days many countries use ‘Nuclear Power Plants’ to generate electricity by making fission of Uranium or Plutonium, but this source too emits harmful radioactive waves. As we are humans and need electricity every time in today’s world, we can suffer from severe problems like ‘energy crisis’ in the future. The more we are being advanced, more we are consuming the energy. In the future, to ensure no problems like energy crisis, scientists are researching new methods to produce electricity. Today, the way we generate electricity are quite harmful for our environment. So, scientists are searching such an energy source that will be environment- friendly. Today, we use some environment- friendly ways to generate electricity but they generate less energy.

  ● Then what solution has China found?
  → You must know about nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Let’s understand in short.

Nuclear Fission is a process where an atom is made is made unstable so that the nucleus of the atom gets converted into small atoms releasing energy. This energy is used to heat the water which is converted into steam, which in turn drives the turbine and electricity is generated. Today, all the Nuclear Power Plants use this technique. However, this energy emits a lot of radioactive waves which has taken many lives.
 Nuclear Fusion is exactly the opposite of Nuclear Fission. Here 2 or more lighter nucleus come together to create a heavier nucleus, while this process takes place a large number of energy is released. Here, hydrogen nuclei fuse into helium nuclei. The big profit is that- in the end it emits no harmful radioactive wastes, that means it is environment- friendly and this is the reason why scientists try to make nuclear fusion successful on Earth. But, today in this China has achieved success. Yes, China used Nuclear Fusion to create an ‘Artificial Sun’!
     ● The Scientists of China say that they succeeded to    maintain 10,00,00,000℃ [100 million Degree Celsius] temperature for 10 seconds in a plasma! Just imagine, the surface of our real sun is just 1,50,00,000℃ [15 million Degree Celsius]! That means, this Artificial Sun is almost 6 times hotter than the surface of our Sun! How did China do this? Where and how did China store this much energy? Didn’t the material used for storing melt? Come let’s understand-
  → The name of the device used to create this much energy is ‘Tokamak Reactor’. Tokamak Reactor is a special device which uses magnetic field. The magnetic field creates such a situation that the hot plasma can’t touch the body of the container. If the hot plasma touches the Tokamak Reactor, it can destroy the whole world as there is no such material that can tolerate this much heat. The Tokamak on which China worked is named as ‘Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST). This is a cylindrical type device whose height is 11m and diameter is 8m. It weighs up to 360 tons.

  ● Come, let’s know how this device works-
  → At first, in its donut shaped ring, heavy and super heavy nucleus of isotopes of hydrogen that are- deuterium and tritium are kept. After that, inside the device heat is passed which makes the electrons to move vigorously which creates hot plasma. After that, the magnets in the device produce magnetic fields that resist the hot plasma to touch the device from inside. Then, the game begins… when the hydrogen ions fuse with each other, they create a tremendous amount of energy and we can use this heat to produce electricity. China says that they could carry out this fusion for 10 seconds releasing 100 million degree Celsius of heat! And this was all about the ‘Artificial Sun’.  It is a ground breaking success because- more heat = more energy! Now, it’s just 10 seconds but in future it can be a permanent energy source. We can not only avoid pollution through this method, but this will also finish the danger of energy crisis on Earth!

This was all about the ‘ARTIFICIAL SUN’…. But, this is not all about China… China has also decided to build an ‘ARTIFICIAL MOON’!!! CLICK HERE TO READ THIS AND DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT-  is-china-really-creating-artificial.html?m=1

CLICK HERE- where-is-sword-of-shivaji-maharaj.html


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