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Showing posts from April, 2018

Efforts Thy Name Is 'Success'...

Something to learn from the SPIDER ! Be the UNBEATABLE ! ! !      F riends, as sometimes we win we also have to face our defeat… this is the rule of the world, when you win someone loses. When we are winners, no one is as happy as us but when we face defeat… What do we do then ? Some of us try our best and pass out the difficulty, but some of us ‘fail’ multiple times and lose our hopes. Here is such a story of a King, that might inspire you-      We all are well known about the King Robert the Bruce. As soon as we hear his name, a great personality, a mighty king, a wise king and a king of the subjects reminds us. Robert the Bruce, also known as in history as Robert I was the one of the greatest and mightiest Kings in the history. His victory over the English Empire was a remarkable success as he won it with a lack of resources and a less number of army. All he did was inspiring his men. His devotion towards the motherland and his motivational talks boiled the blood

Never Quit The Battle!

Never Quit The Battle! KEEP YOUR DOORS OPEN… !!!           P roblems are sure to be present in everyone’s life, but in such a problem sometimes we find ourselves in deep despair. We start thinking negatively. Though there is a spark in ourselves, we do not recognize it. If we turn over the pages of history, we will find that the successful people have gone through much adverse situations than us, but they had the potentiality of not being stooped. Just thinking positively is the way how you deal with it ! Life gives us a chance to be successful every second, but we spend our time thinking negatively.      This is the story of the year 1938, there was a man named Karoly in the Hungarian army; he was the best shooter in his army. Maximum numbers of National Championships held in his country were won by him. Everyone knew that this man will win the Olympics in 1940 and for wakening up such beliefs in the minds of his fans, he had practiced for years. He had fixed in his min

‘BOOKS’: the SUCCESS booster!

‘BOOKS’ : the SUCCESS booster !           Friends, we are like one of the average people we live among. There come our friends, if they are not hard workers, we too  aren't   if they have bad habits, we too have it, if they take care of their health, we do, we do what our friends do, because we are human beings. Human beings are such creatures that learn from their surroundings. They exactly copy each other and there come the terms like tradition and culture. We copy each others’ habits and mindsets. We can see that many successful people today have copied successful people of their field of the past. People usually have influence of at least one man who has been very successful in that particular field; they copy their mindsets and the reason for their success. Oh, we can say that we do not know any close person of ours who is successful; our friends are just like us. There comes the topic of a ‘BOOK’. A book is the collection of perfect ideas, exact words and feelings, ad

‘Forests & their Conservation’

‘Forests & their Conservation’ The sheer of the Countries ever increasing population has led to the fire, the axe, the plough and now the bulldozer and the Chain saw, being used to turn vast areas of great jungles to barren dusty tracks of wasteland.’      The precious gifts of nature have been bestowed upon us and we have yielded a bounteous resource from nature. A mass of green foliage, a Greenfield site, sides fringed with lush greenery have today become the victims for man’s greediness.      Rapid industrialization, unscrupulous explosion of population leading to random deforestation that scare us stiff into dwindling rainfall, frequent occurrence of different natural catastrophes, depletion in  ground water level, appearance of inclement, diabolical and abysmal weather, destruction of fertile regions of the countries, indiscriminate erosion of soil, imbalanced  Eco -system  so forth and on. The earth is now in jeopardy for a large scale destruction of forest. Im


‘‘NO SUCCESS WITHOUT A PROBLEM’’       Friends, in our lives, it is common to have problems .  Some are solved, some remain, but the main thing is to have your goal fixed. We need to concentrate on that goal. Reaching a goal is a success, but there is no success without problems. If a problem is difficult to solve, we must never lose our faith, losing our faith is a bigger problem than the difficulty of the problem to solve. Losing faith means losing interest, losing interest means losing concentration and losing concentration means getting distracted from the track of our goal. Every problem has a solution. Friends, we all know ‘ Chanakya’, the great guru of Chandragupta Maurya .  An incident of his life is given here for your perusal-        Chanakya, who was born in the 4 th century BC, was an Indian teacher, philosopher, economist and a jurist. He was a royal advisor, too. He is also identified as Kautilya or Vishnugupta. He was one of the greatest teachers in India. He


BEING A FRIEND….        The word ‘ FRIEND’ is used in every language on the globe. Different region have different words for this 6- lettered word. Just like ‘Ami’ in French, ‘Yujin’ in Japanese, ‘Fruend’ in German, ‘Drug’ in Russian, ‘Mitram’ in Sanskrit and 1000’s of languages. This word can be referred to anything, human, animal or a particular thing. Just as Henry David Thoreau said once, ‘The language of friendship is not words but meanings.’ Just as the Rushi Munis found, how to destroy enemies by making them your friends. Friendship is like, when you walk into their house and your wifi connects automatically but honestly, I don’t think that friends are just important thing but they are everything !         All of us need somebody with whom we can share our emotions. A friend is someone on whom we can trust.           Friendship is considered to be a true blessing for everyone and a person with good friends will have a support system for sharing each and every momen

Qualities of a GOOD STUDENT

Qualities of a GOOD STUDENT          KNOWLEDGE is like an ocean & education is like a river, where the knowledge never ends the education doesn't stop. A student is a land where trees and plants grow, he is a garden, wherever the water of knowledge or education is drained, it is absorbed. The brain is like a soil which helps absorbing and storing the water of education and knowledge. In this process, the flood is in the students' hands, whether to absorb the water or to make it turn into a flood to wash away everything. What the flood washes is our career.          The age of gaining knowledge is not limited. It is the same for a 3 year old or a 90 year old. That means in the journey of our life, we are always a student. This is not compulsory that we must be educated to become a good student. About 45 per cent of people who are college drop outs are today counted in the millionaires list. They did not get satisfied with the knowledge gained within the four walls. The

Trees: important for our existence

Trees: important for our existence        The trees, which have kept us alive for billions of years, are being cut today by some of us. If someone cuts down a tree, the person should plant two or more saplings. Without trees we are nothing on this Earth. Our lives depend on those thousands of trees, which are being cut down every day.                                                                      We should plant saplings on special occasion. It will be a gift to the nature! The rate of deforestation i.e. destroying a forest is increasing day by day. Trees should be planted for existence of human life. Our friends are not aware of this, perhaps they would not listen to you.  Save TREES, they will save YOU. It’s true that you cannot change the situation alone, but it’s also true that till today in the history a revolution is started  by an individual, on its own the people join him. Want to be noted in such history?  I want to and I am going alone, want to joi


TIME TO GIVE LESSONS What urban waste has to do with global warming ?  When waste is created, the question of destroying it comes in front. Every problem has a solution and that is also with the waste. There are multiple ways to dispose it; just the ways have not reached to the common man. Small drops of water make an ocean; if little steps are taken we can save the Earth from ‘Green House Gases’! The Government must start camps related to disposal of waste, the ill effects of ignorance must reach to the people. The Government must ban the use of plastics and must imply fines on it. It’s true that we must learn lessons from other countries, now the time to give lessons has come. Although this will not happen until the Government  doesn't  look into this matter, but ‘Global Warming’ can be avoided by us by not mixing the dry and wet wastes. Devadripta Jadhav, Pune.

Salute to Soldiers

Salute to Soldiers The country with full of jewels is India. And those jewels are we, the future citizens. We are safe and sound in our country, bringing progress in it and taking it ahead. But, we are sitting in peace here for those supermen. They too are common men like us, but have responsibilities of the country. Those are the men who 24 hours protect our country. And for whom our India is today, in the current world one of the leading countries in the world. They keep the Tricolour flying high in India. Those are the men, who have families but no time to relax with them. They are India Army. Their lives are costly than the diamonds and the jewels. Now a days, some of the jealous countries are attacking our country. But they must know that it would be of no use! There would be a good example if not wrong, a cat attacking a tiger! Our soldiers can make them bite the dust. Our country is losing those brave men. But if fire burns in the minds of those soldiers, there would be n